Command line interface

To automate certain actions involving the QAWeb Enterprise Agent, a command line interface tool is provided. This tool exposes certain functions which can be used in your integration.

Each of the commands described below can be addressed via the qawebcli application included in the Agent installation. This application can be called by specifying the tool via the absolute path or by adding the installation folder of the QAWeb Enterprise Agent to the PATH environment variable.

Policy management

Define the task of a policy

The command to set a policy can be used to define a policy of a standalone configured agent. Tasks in a policy can be enabled by default or are enable by configuring them through the policy-set command.


qawebcli policy-set <task> <use> <schedule> [options]

It takes these arguments:

  • task: The task to set in the policy: calibration, dicomgsdfluminanceresponsetest, srgbluminanceresponsetest, gammaluminanceresponsetest, customluminanceresponsetest.

  • use: The display use which this task will run on.

  • schedule: The schedule at which the task should run. Use one of these values: once, daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, halfyearly, yearly

The tasks for calibration and luminance response tests take these options:

  • –lumresponse <lumresponse>: The luminance response function. Use one of these values: custom

  • –lrf-file <lrf-file>: Path to the custom luminance response function.

This command returns 0 when successful or any other value otherwise.


This command is only applicable for standalone configured agents.

Disable a task from the policy

The command to disable a task from the policy is the policy-disable command.


qawebcli policy-disable <task> <use>

It takes these arguments:

  • task: The task to set in the policy: calibration, dicomgsdfluminanceresponsetest, srgbluminanceresponsetest, gammaluminanceresponsetest, customluminanceresponsetest.

  • use: The display use which this task will run on.

This command returns 0 when successful or any other value otherwise.


This command is only applicable for standalone configured agents.

Readout QA Status

There is a command line option to readout the QA Status of the workstation.


qawebcli qastatus

This command outputs these values:

  • OK for compliant workstations

  • NOK for not compliant workstations

  • PENDING for workstations without prior task results. One or more tasks should be run before a QA Status could be deducted.

This command returns 0 when successful or any other value otherwise.